Discover How 43 Years Old Banker Permanently Cured Prostate Enlargement

Warning: If You’re a Man in Your 40s and Above, This Is an open letter to you! Please Pay Close attention to every word on this page….

Do You Experience The Following?

  • Frequent Urination or Sudden urge to urinate especially at night?
  • Are you having a weak Stream of Urine?
  • Do you experience pain while urinating?
  • Are you having a feeling of not Fully emptying the Bladder?
  • Do you Experience weak Erection or Painful Ejaculation?
  • Do You experience loss of Bladder Control?
Then That means you have a Disease Called PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT also Known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) 

What is Prostate Gland Enlargement and How Does it occur?

An enlarged prostate means the gland has grown bigger. Prostate gland enlargement occurs when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen soon after sexual activity. It is also called RAPID EJACULATION, RAPID CLIMAX or QUICK EJACULATION. It’s a common condition in men and it occurs as age increases. 

The prostate gland is located beneath your bladder. The tube that transports urine from the bladder out of your penis (urethra) passes through the centre of the prostate. When the prostate enlarges, it begins to block urine flow. An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems.

Being diagnosed with enlarged prostate can be very frustrating. Fifty percent of men in the world over 40 years of age have had or will have a prostate issue in their lives. And that number is increasing as our junk food lifestyle increases.

The Scary Truth About Prostate Enlargement

Prostate enlargement has reached almost epidemic proportions in our modern civilization, with it being the second biggest killer of men in Africa.
When the prostate gland enlarges, it pushes against the urethra (the waterworks tube), affecting a man’s ability to urinate, and also affects his sexual performance.

Many men become totally impotent as a result, and some experience the added embarrassment of incontinence (uncontrolled wetting).

The psychological effects can be devastating. The orthodox medical approach to Prostate disorders has always been prescription drugs and/or invasive surgery which are less effective not to mention the risks involved in surgery with some potentially serious side effects which are often almost as serious as the Prostate disorder itself; such as reduced sex drive, retrograde ejaculation and impotence.

Shocking Fact 1: An enlarged prostate, or BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia),affects your sex life, causes erectile dysfunction Which Always threatens Marriages or Make Wives To Cheat

Shocking Fact 2: BPH can disrupt a man’s life, sending him to the bathroom to urinate all too frequently or making it hard to empty the bladder

1 Month Treatment Package

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Normal PRICE = N40,000

2 Months Treatment Package
prostate patch

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Normal PRICE = N80,000

How I Overcome Without Passing Under The Knife - Surgery

My Name is Mr.Emmanual Ajayi,I’m 43 Years Old

A Father of 3 Beautiful Daughters

An Ex-Banker in one the prominent bank here in Nigeria

I worked in Kaduna for  7 Years   

I developed Enlarged Prostrate in June,2017, It started with frequent urination.

As a banker, it was really frustrating and embarrassing having to leave the counter for the toilet every minute. I thought I was was consuming too much water but apparently, my bladder could not hold urine anymore- which is the early signs of BPH.

Subsequently, the urgency to urinate every minute increased but this time, urine was not coming out and I also felt pain along with that. I was worried and scared. I could not bear the discomfort So I went to the hospital for medical check up. 

the doctor carried out a PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) test on me and it was positive and abnormal. 

The doctor gave me some antibiotics to use and told Me to visit the hospital regularly for drugs and checkup.

After consistent use of the antibiotics I began to react to the medications- 

I began to see blood in my urine and my sex drive became really so weak that my wife started complaining. I stopped using the drugs as I was displeased by the results and then began to consider surgery


Fortunately,  my co-worker Mr. Emeka referred me to the Natural Prostrate Care treatment ensuring it was tested and trusted. 

I purchased the Two months treatment immediately because I was desperately seeking for recovery. 

To my utmost surprise, the urgency to urinate began to decrease gradually.

After 4 weeks of consistently using the Tea, the severe pain reduced to the barest minimum and I began to urinate normally- there was no blood in my urine anymore.

I went back to the hospital for checkup, the doctor was amazed with the outcome of our Tea. My prostrate shrink without any surgery.

I was really glad and did not stop at two months treatment. I purchased an extra one month treatment to ensure permanent cure and general wellness.

Till today…

My Wife and I are still grateful to Mr. Emeka

The most happy moment was when I saw how I was able to perform better and how satisfied and happy

my wife was after some years of having erectile dysfunction.

At this point, I began to to realize that this natural prostrate tea have actually saved me from

a lot of frustration, marriage, job and money that I would have wasted on surgery because the surgery was my last hope.

Now, just imagine I did not have this particular…..

….natural prostrate that has helped me have my life back.

Imagine if I did not listen to Emeka, My colleague who recommended that I get this product.

I would probably be wasting money treating myself from hospital to hospital even after surgery that we were not sure of the outcome.

My wife too will be an unsatisfied woman because of the erectile dysfunction, and you know what that means.

I might even lose respect in my own house

because I cant work again as my condition was deteriorating fast.

I would have been sacked from work because I could not give in my best and my colleagues too were already getting irritated and uncomfortable around me. Maybe I was already smelling from Frequent urination and all.

Worse part is, I might be dead by now (God forbid), Leaving my beautiful wife and kids because of this devastating enlarged prostrate.

I immediately began to Imagine what some men like you might be going through….

….that part got me sad and because of the love for people I am introducing  



The Prostate All-Natural Herbal Care Tea Shrinks All Sizes Of Bloated Prostate By Preventing Hormonal Changes That Cause Prostate Growth, And Also Relaxes Bladder Neck Muscles And Muscle Fibers In The Prostate

Your enlarged prostate or your prostate gland will be corrected and restored to its original healthy state

You will never have to wake up frequently at night to urinate again; which means you will enjoy a peaceful sleep always.


The difficulty you experience when urinating will finally stop


You will be able to fully empty your bladder at a go and the dribbling will finally stop.


If you’re already experiencing blood in urine or you’ve developed a urinary tract infection due to poor treatment of the enlarged prostate, this pack will also help you treat these conditions successfully.


Your sex life and vitality will be restored and come back to life.


Most importantly, you’ll become healthy once again and thus prolong your life, and many more. 

A Consistent And Long Term Use Of This Product Will Lead To Complete Cure If Properly Applied.

As a matter of fact, your own case might not be as worse as my own, you might not yet be experiencing much symptoms now, but…

… Early treatment will save you from Later REGRETS.


My point is…

IF you are a man above 40years this product will save you from depression, pains and frustrations

2 Months Treatment Package
prostate patch

Buy 4 Get 2 Free

Free Delivery

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Normal PRICE = N80,000

1 Month Treatment Package

Buy 2 Get 1 Free

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Normal PRICE = N40,000


3 Cups of Tea Daily are recommended.

How to use Prostate patch: Wear on the skin below the navel.  

Benefits of our product



“My overall experience was very positive. It has reduced my anxiety regarding prostate issues and has helped lower my PSA. I therefore recommend this product for any man with Prostate Health Palava!”


“I have tried many different products to treat my BPH symptoms and I can definitely say that these products combination has by far worked the best. My nightly trips to the bathroom have gone from several to just one. Great Product!!


Select Your Package Below…


Please be sure you are FULLY ready for the product and have the money to pay at the point of delivery because we’ve limited stock.


Here Is Our 30 Days ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT Or 100% Money Back Guarantee

Of course we know that you will never ask for a refund after getting this product. … and here’s why… You will ABSOLUTELY love how this natural prostrate tea will help you live a HEALTHER ,PAINLESS AND PEACE OF MIND life. But just to assure you that this is a COMPLETELY RISK FREE  Order, We still want to guarantee your satisfaction. If after using this product for the monthly plans and you were not satisfied with your purchase. Simply call our business line on 08138742435  And you will get a prompt  REFUND for every kobo you invested in this product. Every damn kobo. We are willing to sign an undertaking if that will make you feel safer. You could screenshot this guarantee and show it to your friends.

If you don’t get this product right now for you or your loved one, this will  just lead  you to serious complications, ranging from urinary tract infections and stones in the bladder or kidney to urinary retention and kidney damage or even DEATH. That is why getting this product right now is the BEST decision you’ll ever make.   

   Frequently Asked Questions

I have used other treatments can  this product work for me?

Absolutely yes, this purify  herbal prostrate tea has worked for many worst prostrate conditions so why not you? It's been made from high quality purified  ingredients that  works best for enlarged prostrates.

  How long can I use it?

 For best beneficial effects use a minimum of 2 months and enjoy 1-3 cups daily.

 Will this purify herbal prostrate tea be effective alone or in combination with other drugs?

 For best and effective treatment use Purify herbal prostrate healthy tea alone

 Does it have any side effects ?

 Capital NO, it has no side effects and is GLUTEN FREE

 Is it fully approved and healthy?

 Absolutely Yes, it has been fully tested and verified not just by NAFDAC but also FDA

  will this purify herbal prostrate tea be effective alone or in combination with other drugs ?

 For best and effective treatment use purify herbal prostrate tea along with the Free prostrate patch bonus

  If I get Confused at any time will you help me?

  Yes, simply call us on 08138742435

 And ask your questions.

 We will be glad to help you.

  I 'm not a man, can I get it for my loved ones?

 Of course Yes, you will just be giving him an everlasting relief at last...

 P:S: Whether you accept it or not, 80 out of 100 men are currently suffering and having the symptoms now



1 Month Treatment Package

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Free Delivery 

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Normal PRICE = N40,000

2 Months Treatment Package

(worth n5,000)

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Normal PRICE = N80,000

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Delivery Time: 1-3 Working Days 

Our Customer Care Will Call You Within 24hrs After You Place Your Order.

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